Semen Retention and the NoFap Challenge Using a Cock Cage

Semen Retention and the NoFap Challenge Using a Cock Cage

If your masturbation addiction is getting out of hand, it’s time to try and fix it. Whether you opt for semen retention or the NoFap challenge, using a cock cage is the way to go.

Cages might seem a bit scary but think about all of their benefits instead.

What Is the NoFap Challenge?

Simply put, if you’ve ever felt like you’re addicted to porn (or masturbation), this is the challenge for you. This challenge will help you recover from any sexual addiction by making you abstain from it. That means no masturbation, sex, edging, nudity, or anything sexual you can think of.

It sounds kind of extreme, especially in this day and age, when we embrace sexuality more than ever. However, it has proven effective and has countless benefits.

Participating in this challenge doesn’t need to be so scary. You don’t need to immediately go from masturbating every day to not doing it for a month. Start slowly and take your time. You can try it out for a few days at first. After that, try it for a full week.

We’re sure you’ll feel the difference after just a couple of days. NoFap actually works, and it isn’t just overhyped.

Semen Retention

Practicing semen retention isn’t a modern invention. People have been doing it for many centuries. But what does it mean? It means you’re practicing avoiding ejaculation during sexual activities. You can do this by not engaging in anything sexual, or learn how to orgasm without cumming involved.

Now, that might seem like an impossible task. However, it’s easier than you think. To practice this, start doing Kegel exercises. Your pelvic floor muscles are what you need to have absolute control over. Also, this is not the same as the NoFap challenge.

This is not a challenge at all. Many people do it simply because of its numerous benefits. For example, semen retention improves sexual pleasure and physical health overall. The benefits are mental, physical, and spiritual. Your anxiety will go away, and you’ll have a better memory and be much happier overall. So, why not try it?

How Difficult Is It to Not Masturbate or to Retain Semen?

It depends on your current level of sex addiction. Well, kind of. It’s all in your head. Your brain is currently wired to have you masturbate every single day. Now, you’re trying to rewire it. For some, it might be difficult. For others, however, it can be a breeze.

It all depends on how you look at and approach it. If you’re going into it with a negative mindset, you’ll probably have a tough time overcoming all of the obstacles. You might even relapse a lot. That’s fine, of course, as long as you continue pushing forward.

Hence, you have to see this transition as something positive. You have to do a lot of practicing as well. Moreover, there will be some things that will aid you in your journey — some little tips and tricks you can use to your advantage. One of them is cock cage use, which is something we’ll go more into.

Chastity devices for men may seem like something out of a nightmare. Whether it’s a chastity belt or a cock cage, it takes a lot of willpower to try it. However, they can help you with your abstinence challenge more than anything else.

Benefits of Semen Retention/NoFap Challenge

Both semen retention and the NoFap challenge have their mental and physical benefits. Men report better orgasms after they ease back into sex after the NoFap challenge.

The challenge can also save you from the death grip syndrome. We know that sounds like something that will have you on your deathbed, but it’s not like that. Well, maybe your sex deathbed.

The death grip syndrome occurs when you’ve basically masturbated so much that you can only orgasm when you put extreme pressure on your penis. Or you need to use more powerful strokes. Simply put, your penis goes numb. Luckily, the NoFap challenge prevents it.

Some other benefits include reduction of depression and anxiety, deepening of your voice, increased happiness, a boost of confidence, better sleep, improved concentration, improved sperm quality, etc.

What Is a Cock Cage and How It Can Help?

A cock cage is, simply put, a chastity device for men. It’s usually used in BDSM plays and every day chastity lifestyle. However, it can help you out as well.

How does it work? Putting a cock cage on prevents you from getting erect. It also makes it nearly impossible to masturbate or satisfy yourself in any way. Read this blog post for more tips on chastity cages.

You should have someone you trust to hold the key to your penis cage. Why? Is it supposed to be on all the time? That’s pretty much the case. However, you can always take it off in emergencies or when you think you’ve had enough.

The Best Beginner-Friendly Cock Cage Type

If you decide to go down the path of male chastity, you’ll need a beginner-friendly chastity cage. There are many different designs of this particular cage. How do you pick the best one? It might take you a while.

The design doesn’t necessarily matter when it comes to beginner-friendly models. What matters most is the material and fit. Plastic cages are good for beginners, and you don’t need to be a magician to get out of them. The very best models, though, are silicone. In a state of emergency, you simply cut through them. And silicone helps you avoid a sore penis from irritation as it is hypoallergenic.

We don’t recommend buying a custom cage as they require you to know your exact measurements. Since all men are different, be ready to buy a few cages before finding the perfect one. Some of them are cheap, and you can opt for those in the testing stages.

Stay away from metal unless you want to try the chastity lifestyle.


Using a cock cage will definitely help you with both semen retention and the NoFap challenge. Who knows, maybe you even discover liking the chastity life. It has many benefits.

If you don’t want to use a cage, that’s fine too. There are many ways to help yourself conquer your urges. No fapping for you, mister! (READ: What Living a Chastity Lifestyle Taught Us)

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